
Posts Tagged ‘Kickstarter’

What began as a character study of a complicated, mystical, Oglala Lakota Medicine Man became a “slow-motion collision between ancient and modern minds.” 

Sidney Fire Blurr_Poster_Tepper_022 Live a Religion

Six years ago the filmmakers were granted an  interview for a short educational film. We never thought it would leed to performing the Vision Quest and Sun Dance Ceremonies for four-years.

But the ancient rituals of suffering, prayer, and gratitude added several layers of depth and intensity to the overall experience,  becoming a six-year long exploration of an ancient religion surviving the modern age.

DSC_0149 copyAnd Medicine Man, Sidney Hasnohorses, never spared the gory details about growing up in one of the poorest, most violent counties in the country. He was brutally honest about his own past, openly revealing character flaws and inter-generational trauma.

But this documentary was an unlikely occurrence, the director, Salvatore Consalvi, was hip deep in another documentary, Deep Field Antarctica, about the remote and isolated experience managing field camps in the highest, driest, loneliest place on earth. For a time, he entertained finishing both projects at once. Yet returning exhausted from a hot water drill camp on the glacier tongue of Pine Island Glacier to performing the most rigorous Lakota rituals that included fasting and traditional flesh offerings proved too much.

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Now, the experience has progressed from the spiritual identity of one religious leader to a deeper understanding of mind and consciousness, one consistent with many earth-based religions, and translatable to many modern-minds. And the filmmakers are deep into a Kickstarter Campaign that will fund post-production and tell this story of Ancient Wisdom, Modern Torment, Quantum Consciousness, and a Link to the Spirit World.

Screenshot 2015 Sidney_Fools Crow Bust_ Big Gesture Kickstarter Backers_Blog_Paper_Yellow V2

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Salvatore Consalvi and Brigitte Timmerman are the primary Filmmakers on the Documentary in Progress Sidney Has No Horses: Oglala Lakota Medicine Man.

Over four years ago they met Sidney and a small, relatively unknown group of traditional Oglala Lakota people in South Dakota.

From the beginning, they were amazed to learn that Sidney has direct spiritual ties to some of the most famous Warriors and Holy Men of the last 2 centuries.

So they were soon immersed in Sidney’s teachings, in their own research, and in the Four-Main Ceremonies themselves.

This first interview was intense and began a journey into the indigenous world-view.

Please enjoy the trailer . . .

http://ow.ly/BbiZu http://ow.ly/i/6NGrB

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After five years from first meeting and interviewing Sidney Hasnohorse, we will begin populating the blog with images and graphics generated from the Documentary in Progress.

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You have found the first Blog Post from Salvatore Consalvi, Director of the ‘Documentary in Progress’ Sidney Has No Horses: Oglala Lakota Medicine Man.

The project is a continuing investigation (five years and counting) of the Wakpamni Lake Oglala Lakota Ceremony Circle led by the authentic, controversial, if not iconic, Medicine Man, Sidney Has No Horses.

These blog-posts, associated tweets, Facebook posts, newsletters, and YouTube uploads will tell the story of a Lakota lineage of medicine men and warriors leading up to our discovery of Sidney. It will describe his brutally authentic ceremonies. It will portray an unbroken cultural lineage that maintains an extremely mystical Earth-based religion and the indigenous mind that has survived the corporate age.

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