
Archive for the ‘Directors Research & Ramblings’ Category

Within hours of their first meeting, Oglala Lakota Medicine Man, Sidney Hasnohorses, divulged the ultimate nature of his beliefs to filmmaker Salvatore Consalvi: “We do not practice our religion, we live our religion.” Taking place between a smoldering fire and the willow frame of a sweat lodge, these extemporaneous conversations were honest, courageous, and riveting.

Sidney Fire Blurr_Poster_Tepper_022 Live a Religion

Yet the words themselves felt like echoes of native wisdom from the intentions of grandfathers like famed ceremonial chief Frank Fools Crow. “There is natural power, and spiritual power.” His teachings connected the interview that night to much older and deeper lessons. “Without spiritual power we tend to work for ourselves. Accomplishments may be outstanding, yet we tend to subordinate and misuse the rest of creation.”

This documentary reveals a powerful tension between the beauty of Native American traditions, and the harsh realities of modern reservation life. Our account will superimpose casual storytelling, formal interviews, landscape studies, and social awareness. Visual effects, animation, video and photographic studies will portray mystical rituals, remote healing, modern reservation life, intergenerational trauma, and daily routines.

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The interviews and research includes rare insight into the beliefs and ancient rites critical to the survival of the Lakota. We learn that Sidney comes from a long lineage of Holy Men tasked by the Spirit World with passing the religion to future generations and to a modern world in dire need of native wisdom. However sacred ceremonies or private rituals were never invasively recorded, rather those events will be depicted creatively, on the emotional plane.

We are currently fundraising for post-production. Keep an eye on our progress here and all over social media.



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Many sources depict the spiritual identity of ancient indigenous people as existing on a spectrum; not fixed in time or space. Unlike a modern religious experience . . . fixated on one profit, messiah, or incarnation, they fluidly exist within a continuum of spiritual wisdom. This may be true of Sidney, who’s beliefs flow seamsly between Christian and Ancestral.

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This Blog was intended to begin housing the musings, rants, and ramblings that resulted from the filmmakers research and performing the intense ceremonies of the Lakota. The attempt to work this one out interrupted a morning ritual and had to be written down.

Religion and the Personification Cycle:

Humanity, or most sub-populations of humanity, put a human face on God/god. Most modern Christians assign two human faces and one rarely considered spirit face referring to , or praying to either or both seamlessly. And this blend of personified spirit-consciousness is called monotheism.

The Aboriginal-Mind however may choose to put a human, animal, or mystical face on forces of nature or a variety of incarnations of God [Chanupa-Glu-Hamani, White Buffalo Calf Maiden . . .]. But in most cases; for there are tens of thousands examples of mystical and natural religions; they are content considering the ultimate form and nature of the most powerful, conscious forces in existence to be a Great Mystery. In other words, their best descriptions relay the belief that God is one power, but that its nature, form, and will remains a mystery to the human mind.

The Native-Mind may also ascribe consciousness to every living thing and all earthly and astral matter; animism. Owners of modern-minds may love their pets, talk to plants, or feel enlivened after a walk in the woods, but rarely consider them as sentient. This denying of a conscious or spirit nature to any but humans has, at times, degenerated into all out depravity, denying it to other physical shades or forms of humans; or along ideological, professional, or religious lines.

It is said that the Indigenous Religious Identity exists on a continuum between Ancient and Christian beliefs; as a wave of conscious energy perhaps; existing just outside time-space. But perhaps there are more than two vertices to the continuum and perhaps the modern mind exists on that same multi-directional, polyphasic wave-form. Perhaps I need to take a class in Fournier’s Equations. Perhaps there are seven directions, or vertices, as the Lakota suggest.

  1. Earth & Atmosphere Consciousness
  2. Worldly or Culturally Conditioned Consciousness,
  3. Animal Consciousness and its parallel spirit world,
  4. Plant Consciousness,
  5. Eco-System Consciousness,
  6. Astral (Milky Way, Solar System) Consciousness &
  7. Universal Consciousness & The Great Mystery

And these Remnant Medicine-Men and Shamans are out there among us, in the morass of modernity; in the moral and emotional desert we call civilization.

Medicine Man 1000-Mile Glare w/ Buffalo Skull

Medicine Man 1000-Mile Glare w/ Buffalo Skull

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